
Bug-Maineia Photos of Vivien Russe and Mary Hart at the Maine State Museum

 Ant Girl Vivien Russe and honorary Ant Girl Mary Hart(who assisted us in making the giant Ant scrolls for our Ant Farm exhibition last April), worked all day long at BUG -Maineia, a project that merged art and science at the Maine State Museum on Sept. 13th!  
Parents, teachers and kids were very involved and enthusiastic. Participants use pre-made Ant Girl stamps to make a new scroll of leafcutter ants.  Mary Hart was a champ not only providing materials, good ideas and a lot of enthusiasm.  Mary had the good idea of take-away index cards(see below). Thank you to Vivian and Mary Hart for their hard work!

The Bug Maine-ia project helped create a new ant scroll!


1 comment:

  1. The Bug-Maineia Photos of Vivien Russe and Mary Hart at the Maine State Museum are nice. They are letting the kids learn about the different things, particularly the ant-stamping
